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Durable Access Solution for Helicopter Landings.

While helicopters and powered lift aircraft are able to operate on a variety of relatively flat surfaces, a fabricated helipad provides a clearly marked hard surface away from obstacles where such aircraft can land safely. Eco-Flex® manufactures environmentally friendly, 100% recycled rubber helicopter pads.

Size: 14′ L x 7’6” W x 3.2″ | 4.27 m L x 2.29 m W x 0.08 m

Overlap: optional

Weight: 1850 lbs [+/- 50 lbs] | 839 kg [+/- 23 kg]

Handling Method: 4 Point Lifting Lugs, optional

Applications: Emergency landing pads, military base, rural hospitals, forestries projects. Shipping: FOB Manufacturer