Oil & Gas Industry

Why Oil & Gas companies should consider using Safety Walkways for their employees

Ann Michell

Using recycled rubber safety walkways offers a range of benefits to oil and gas companies, including sustainability, cost-effectiveness, durability, improved safety, noise reduction, and customization. These factors make recycled rubber safety walkways an attractive option for companies looking to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental footprint while improving the safety of their workers.

Why Oil & Gas companies should consider using Safety Walkways for their employees

Oil and gas companies have a great responsibility for their workers. Their Safety is apriority and with the high number of workers on the job site, every possible measure should be taken to ensure their safety. There are tons of benefits to using Recycled Rubber Safety walkways to employers. The most important benefits for these products are;

1. Sustainability: Using recycled rubber safety walkways supports the principle of sustainability by reducingwaste and conserving natural resources. It also helps to reduce the environmental impact of tire waste.

2. Cost-effectiveness: Recycled rubber safety walkways can be cost-competitive with traditional safety walkway materials, such as steel or concrete, and can offer long-term savings through durability and lower maintenance costs.

3. Durability: Recycled rubber safety walkways are extremely durable and can withstand harsh conditions, reducing the need for frequent replacement and maintenance.

4. Improved safety: Recycled rubber safety walkways can improve safety on oil and gas jobsites by providingslip-resistant surfaces and reducing the risk of slips, trips, and falls.

5. Noise reduction: Recycled rubber safety walkways can reduce noise levels on jobsites, improving the working environment for employees and reducing the impact on local communities.

6. Customization: Recycled rubber safety walkways can be customized to meet the specific needs of oil and gas jobsites, including color, shape, and size.

Inconclusion, using recycled rubber safety walkways offers a range of benefits to oil and gas companies, including sustainability, cost-effectiveness, durability, improved safety, noise reduction, and customization. These factors make recycled rubber safety walkways an attractive option for companies looking to adopt more sustainable practices and reduce their environmental footprint while improving the safety of their workers.